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Showing posts from July, 2018

In Focus: 'Jacqueline Comes Home' vs 'Give Up Tomorrow'

Jacqueline Comes Home (full movie) vs Give Up Tomorrow (documentary) MOVIE POSTER ANALYSIS: Identify and compare the media language used in the 2 posters. Explain how the media language used in the two posters supported the media framing of each film.

G12 Reporting Rubric

Here's how you'll be graded for the reporting:  Section Group No. Category 5 4 3 Clarity Discussions were clear and understood by classmates Some parts were unclear but there was an attempt to clarify topics Most of the discussion were unclear and there was no attempt to clarify issues Completeness Topic was covered fully with additional information presented Needs teacher intervention to present some topics Teacher intervervenes to make sure topics are all covered Interactivity Classmatesn ask questions and interacts willingly Elicits interaction from classmates No interaction at all Teamwork All team members have tasks Some members did not have task Delay in reporting/submission due to lack of cooperation

Media and Information Messages

The following videos are made by students for educational purposes only. The use and endorsement of products and brands are not for commercial use and are not sponsored. Any feedback or request on these videos can be made through our Contact page. 12-Quirino: BLWA 12-Quezon: Shoe TV Ad 12-Ramos: Cookie 12-Quezon: Malaya 12-Ramos: Bag 12-Ramos: Nature Spring 12-Ramos: Cream Cookies (Presto) 12-Ramos: VS

MIL Clicks

In Focus: 'Faculty'

Faculty, a short film by Jerrold Tarog, uses codes and conventions to relay its message to its viewers. What are the different technical codes can you spot? What do the scenes make you think and feel? How were the scenes taken and what do they mean to you?